Friday, February 10, 2012


been reading some Christians forum and website of people discussing Christians stuff. and i feel like i had some small revelations.

for things that are not clearly spell out in the Bible, it is for us to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us. and as my previous post suggest, it might not be the same for everyone.

my reading brought me to some page that was discussing stuff like masturbation and marital experimentation. it's interesting to know that the Bible did not say anything concrete about these stuff.
by going along the lines of sexual immorality we can go on the say that masturbation is probably not given the thumbs up. imagining having sex with someone you are not suppose to. even to reduce the act of joining with your spouse to be focused on your own pleasures.
so, in fact, unless a person can just make himself/herself  sexually pleasured, without immoral thoughts, it is immoral. then the problems becomes psychological and perhaps physiological, the addiction to pleasure is a well know one. and it spoils sex, simply because when pleasuring yourself, it is easy to know what you want and instantly to boot. no other person can do that. and so, it would be easy to be disappointed in sex with another person after having masturbated extensively.
some months ago, i read a report some some research from Italy that claims that people who have long history of masturbation using pornography are less satisfied with sex with their spouse. i did not think much of it at that time and not it makes more sense.

marital experiments that might are not clearly stated as go/on-go was also an interesting read, but of less relevance. the basic thing it says is to pray about it and discuss it over some period of time(weeks), while keeping the best interest of your spouse in front yours. only until both partners are satisfied that it's not sinful and are willing, then they may proceed. it makes sense, in marriage, our bodies are to belong to God and our spouse, so while trying something new that is not clear, it would be good to pray(ask God) and to have permission of each other as well.

ok, any audience out there. these are rather highly sexual stuff and please don't quote me or use my thoughts as a guide. if in doubt, pray and seek answer from the Creator of everything.

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