Friday, February 03, 2012


want to blog, but cannot find the proper thoughts and words to form and merge into anything remotely substantial. all i have now are some images here and there, some thoughts deep down, a few emotions so strong that somehow i don't think i am feeling them right at the moment and lastly, my body, tired and desiring rest and at the same time wanting to continue on staring at this screen and check all known avenue so that i won't miss a thing. any sliver of it is enough to tide me through a few more hours. that i know i am sane. somewhat.

it's at times like this that i remember many years ago, i did this online test thing on..friendster. haha..friendster. anyway, the result was that of all the biblical persons, i am most like Job. stubbornly taking punishment simply because i know one thing and i hold on to that with all my might. now, many things are telling me otherwise, yet i hold on and hope. really, parts of me are wanting to go one way, and the other part want to drop dead, and yet another is simply saying, 'hold on, it's not over.' whatever the shit means.

And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
Job 1 : 21

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