Friday, September 10, 2004

requiem for a dream

it ends. now.

we all have dreams. they change as we grow. as we know more, some of our dreams are put aside. some for good. i guess i have been holding on to something i thought will happen. can happen. more importantly, i wanted it to happen. now that dream is dead. past a day that held great importance, it meant nothing already. went through it like any other. no longer wondering or wishing. that happen the day before it, before i laid down and rest. on the day itself, i was busy with my things and enjoying my self shooting in relative peace.

glad that i did not go crazee. i mean like no more crazier than usual. i know my moods are swinging badly these days. but, i know i can control them somewhat. it's a matter of perspective and choice. we control ourselve. don't let yourself be runned by outside influences or even by your emotions. we all feel down sometimes. but we can trudge on when the days are gray/grey and enjoy ourselves when the skies are clear.

not much to input here as i feel my life is on the way back to normality. carry on dreaming my, MY, dream. doing my work. enjoying it. loving it. there are problems. but, oh well, life sucks sometimes. hang on! for dreams of better tomorrow.

someone else need care. need attention. needs love. people around me can count on me to be me.


'it's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right..i hope you had the time of your life..'-Greenday

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