Thursday, September 30, 2004

the day after tomorrow

catastrophe, due to unchecked global warming.

we are one step further from that. russia cabinet just passed a vote to put the kyoto protocol to the parliment to pass it.(which news agencies says it probably will be passed)

kyoto protocol, first agreed in japan in 1997, sets targets for 34 industrialised countries to contain and reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases from 2008. it requires them to keep emissions of six greenhouse gases below 1990 levels during a compliance period of 2008-2012. the eu has to reduce emissions by 8 %, while russia has only to keep them from rising above 1990 levels. russia's emissions are currently more than 25 % below 1990 levels.

russia’s decision is vital because without its ratification the protocol is doomed. complex(weird) rules stipulate that it comes into force only when developed countries responsible for 55 per cent of the global emissions caused by industrialised nations ratify the protocol. major polluters – the us, australia and russia – have held out. the (f**ked up) us, though responsible for 36 % of the emissions by industrialised countries with targets, has remained implacably opposed. if russia, which emits 17 % of the greenhouse gases vented by developed nations, joins, it would break the threshold needed to start the kyoto plan.

and that puts us abit further from the horrible possibilities of the above-mentioned show. and the above protocol outline is taken from, and edited slightly.

i have no idea if those means anything to any of you. but it really makes me glad. we all know what's causing the earth to heat up. and we are not doing anything responsible.(no wonder aliens wants to kill us all the time=>)cars, air-cons and smoking are things that we don't really need that are killing us.

we can all take public transport, granted if it was more timely and all.

air-cons actually kills us faster two ways. it need to draw heat away from one side(inside) to let it out the other side(outside). so as the outside gets hotter than the inside, we feel the difference more and use more aircon more times stronger. the cycle not only make our planet warmer, it also makes our body go through more temperature changes and thus weaken our respirtory system, making us more prone to fall sick. we need to break the cycle.

smoking. that's the really in your face thing. it kills you. you know it. it kills the people around you. you know it. it cost you money. you know it. is there any real reason to smoke? stressed? smoking cause you to be less healthy, makes you use more money for stupid things and kills the people around you. does that make you less stress? go f**k yourselves, smokers.

hmm..anyway. really glad that some nations agree that we must at least try to slow down global warming and stuff. we have to try. it's our only planet and we abuse it like mad. and what about all the cute animals and the not so cute ones too. it's not only for us.

sounding really preachy there. but i really love the planet and all it's amazing stuff it have.(humans the least of it)

my life been real normal these days. still abit sad from stuff. still trying to get better. still trying to help people. still trying. even though it hurts much sometimes, i'll go on. not because i cannot stop. it's because i want to. i know what i want to do for most parts of my life. thank you all for helping me when i am down. when i am lost, thank you for helping me walk on. let me help you if you need. i'll be there.

together we can s@@ this through. for our dreams. for dreams of better tomorrows!

now i s@@ a better tomorrow.

'somewhere over the rainbow,
skies are blue..
and the dreams that you dare to dream,
really do come true..'-Dorothy

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