Saturday, September 18, 2004

lost in space

spaced out and quite lost.

casey is right. it's not doing that's tough. it deciding and letting yourself do it that's tough. maybe tougher for me, as i am oft times overly-cautious. i know what i want and i will go ahead to try to get it. for dreams of better tomorrows.

been feeling rather weird lately. body shrudders uncontrollably for a moment. then resumes normal function. just a slight slight shrudder. then body feels cold inside. feels warm yet too cold. sometimes will blank out and not thinking of anything..just very aware of things..yet feels distanced. no idea what's it's all about or why. been eating normal, sleeping as usual and don't feel any weird stuff happening. oh well..hope i don't die too soon.

no idea how i am feeling lately. just kind of ok and nothing much. doing things. going along fine. that's good i suppose. things take time. will work on it. what else is there?

watched terminal and man on fire. like them pretty much. terminal was funny and rather touching. showing how doing right things may reward you in the end. man on fire..aww..=) my kind of stuff. piss me off and i'll chew your head off. cold rage. calculated violence. revenge is best served cold.

mood swinging. can you s@@ it above? haha..damn. no anchor in life. got to get my act together. and i will. i guess i am too serious sometimes and then too crappy sometimes. extremes i am. still balanced, i hope. in equilibrium.

returning to being me. more me now than the past months. though i have changed much. i am still very much as i was before.

breathe and feel alive.

'tell me, did you fall for a shooting without a permanent scar. and did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there..'-Train


Casey said...
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Casey said...

*kicks blogspot* It ate my comment.

Anyways, don't worry about the shudderings. I get them rather frequently too. Dunno what they are, but they ain't no biggie to worry about.

Man on Fire was an awesome film. And you and I have the same mind: revenge is sweet, whether cold or hot, actually. Heh.

Hang on in there, Koach.