Sunday, August 28, 2005

Team Keng Chio

we RoX.=)

not enough though. without training much we got 3rd for team and all got into I. ko. not bad for retirees..haha..our scores weren't good though. hai. we suck..but others suck more. not good signs. anyway..hopefully get more training in then do better..then we'll RoX more.

Team! Keng Chio!!

did pretty o..k..for tko la..not good..but not really bad. and got 3rd. if we went off against nats2 we could have won and gone into finals. but we didn't 3rd..hehe..

iko..another matter. i sucked..hai..36, 33, 50. first two ends was darn nervous and cannot bring my number down. body kept shaking though i was strong enough. need more stress exposure and get used to it. mental. bzzt. last end brought it down to more familiar levels then hit 50. but abit too late..bah. still not at my optimal somemore. abit sian. lousy control. but shows that i can do well if i focus and get into my zone.


other stuffs..trying not to think about's..worrying..for me. bah. crapola.

anyway. thanks all who were there to support the team and i. really nice to have people rooting for you.=)

pretty bunrt out now..probably going to hibernate some days before workable again. nah..i'm not that weak or old. cool shit overall. just hoped to do better. not really out of expectations. but we should have done better given our team composition. oh well..shucks..cannot let it go..haha..

archery-sport/activity where the laws of physics, logic and commonsense have little application.

hmm..sounds like love. haha.

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