Saturday, August 20, 2005


ok day today. should have been great..but..

went out for nice lunch today. pretty good lunch it was and great desserts that should have been greater. but was not due to time constrain..bah. time.

after which TP Archery Team got the Sports Team of The Year in TP. do you tiny little punks knw what that means? it means that in the entire TP, with all the sports team, we, the team is the best in the year 2004/5 acad year. it means that WE ROX!!

its an acheivement no doubt. but to me, i s@@ as just a begginning. we, as a team, should aim higher..for more awards. until all of us are the best we can be..and that my dear carbon-based-bipeds is limitless. we are only limited by our imagination and efforts to act on them.

we will RocK them SoXx off!!!

i feel very proud of the team. the efforts they put in. the way they handled themselves. and the way they are a TEAM.

then after which had dinner with them K.shoe and J.whiney. talked some about life and such. good people they all, just need some guidance once a while, like everyone else. hoped they s@@ me in good enough light to take me as their friend, coach, brother..

it's all heart, my man. it's all heart..

then studied, did work, slack at starbucks with SL.Tang. hah..she have got to be one of the most interesting person this year. good company nontheless. glad to have someone to hang with and talk to about stuffs. all kinds.

then.. .. ..went simpang Bed Ok with Monique. good company. chatted some and chilled while having prata and goreng magi.

chilled day.

all spoiled cause of work. too many too rushed. anyway..will do them as i can and do them as i will.

anything worth doing, is worth doing well.
DO NOT, shortchange yourself and your work.


'cause it's you and me and all of the people
nothing to do, nothing to prove
and it's you and me and all of the people and
i don't know why i can't keep my eyes off of you'-Lifehouse

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