Saturday, June 18, 2005


*keep on laughing,
keep on breathing,
keep on striving,
keep on trying,
keep on hugging,
keep on kissing,
keep on smiling,
keep on experiencing,
keep on thinking,
above all.. keep on loving!* V(^_^)V

got the above from someone's blog. i totally agree. things get you down sometimes..but all you have to do is get back up and keep going. it makes you stronger to go through tough times. it's not easy at times..but you always have God..even if you have no friends or family.

the gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.-chinese proverb

shot alright today..for the amount i train. that does not mean i am not disappointed. i did meet my expected score. i know i can do better..given more training..but as it is..i did alright. though..i know i can be better. lost to people with f***ed up form..that's what i hate the most. losing to the top people is fine..cause they trained hard and have good form and conditioning and all..but to those C**NS people..GRRRR...ARGH!!!!!

i will be back..stronger..better. mark my words.

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