Wednesday, October 19, 2005



very very damn painful. been a long long time since i had such pain. last time was my finger, which was made worse by emotional pain. this is totally physical pain. and it's worse than the finger thingy.

the whole story of this injury stretched back to early this year. injured while sparring with someone and he fell on me with his elbow on my rib. then last week i was 'tau pok'ed..making the half healed injury worse. then today over stretched while playing around during trainings. and then the pain.

went to the hospital for an x-ray as i feared my rib could have cracked and i would die in my sleep as my lung get pierced. haha..but luckily, it ws not cracked or anything. so then the doctor and i thought probably the membrane between the rib and lung got injured. and i was given pain killers and two days MC. as if i need it. but anyway. nothing i can do to help it heal externally.


i can tolerate lots of pain, physical pain. and this is near my threshold. damn.

good thing have good friend around. went with me to hospital. then went to cc to chill got people to joke and talk to. which is good.=)

thanks folks.


Anonymous said...

quit the 'tao pok' lives.

ken said...

yeah..i already banned it. baka.

Anonymous said...

please hor. take good care of yourself, and try to stop hurting yourself.

be extra careful.

ken said...

not trying to hurt myself. accidents happen.
oh well..alive and recovering.=)