Friday, October 28, 2005


Seven[7] things that will scare me...
-losing control of myself
-forced to do something that i know i will regret

Seven[7] things that I like most...
-my bow and other archery equipment
-staying calm
-games that challenges oneself
-challenging people's comfort zones

Seven[7] most important things in my room...
-archery equipments
-computer, for communications, music and games

Seven[7] random facts about me...
-i am messy. very
-i am very different when you catch me alone
-overcame alot of personal, irrational prejudices regarding alot of things
-am a big tight-ass regarding alot of things
-doesn't care much about myself
-feels old
-thinks that life is too short

Seven[7] things that i can do...
-make people wish they never even heard of me
-eat alot when in the mood(4bowls of rice followed by and earthquake)
-heal faster than average
-bend my fingers into weird positions, finger only
-go into a rage when i am in pain, physical or otherwise(don't tempt my wrath)
-take care of people well..i think.=)

Seven[7] things that i can't do...
-sing, singapore's storms are mostly caused by me
-play any musical instruments. very sad
-stand clever idiots
-forgive myself
-do enough to help others and myself

Seven[7] phrases that i say the most...
-*changes too fast*

Seven[7] celebrity crush...
-*wth you talking about?i dont even watch tv. and i don't give a damn.*

Seven[7] peeps that i love to see them do this quiz...

weird shit. damn i'm too free. yes, not all have seven things..cause i cannot think of anymore. if you think i have more..let me know.=)

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