Tuesday, November 08, 2005

space for rant

not been myself since about last week..some days before my birthday.

this year seems to be hitting me hard. guess lots of new things in my life and lots of dissatisfaction about stuff. people. people. people.

i love you. but i am not in love.

all of you..i do. but just ken..only ken. and that's not really good enough.

no idea why..but it's like a painful week so far. nothing wrong..nothing bad..nothing out of the ordinary. i just seem to be angry, pissed and sad. all the bad moods. sometimes hitting a 0/10. that's where i mark it as, ken wants to crush things/or go hide somewhere.

i want to know why. i have a out of the world guess. which even i am not ready to accept. but that aside. really i have no idea why.

even today..suddenly i just feel baka.

been busy with SNOC, SSC, AAS and all sort of acronyms that cause me pain to deal with. always give me late things to do. always give me overdue things to catch up. and they don't cooperate. not within themselves or with each other. really really..WTH

hope things get better..or i'll be no longer the ken that even i know of..

i want to be who i want to be..and that's ken.

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