Sunday, November 20, 2005

grasping air

when things are lost and gone..what do you do?

nothing. there's nothing you can do..really.

we all will..rather should feel sad, about loss of something, someone precious in our lives. things and persons you truely love and enjoy being with. you spent time with and shared dreams and maybe rely on. things or people you are close to. things you do not want to go away from you. to ever disappear from your life. to be with you to share your life with. your joys and woes. your ups and downs.

but when such a thing is taken from you. either physically or emotionally. unable to reciprocate the feeling or to work for you anymore. no longer having the same closeness. no longer able to always be there as and when you want it to. no more moments where you share that no one else can understand.

this hurt, i know. i went through a loss as such. magnitude so huge i thought i would just die. but, in fact, some part of us dies when such happens. a chunk of your life is removed. parts of your dreams are dead. some pasts altered, some future never ever.

what can anyone do? nothing. life deals the cards, we just play. we hang on. we carry on.

life's a cruel sadistic bitch sometimes.

what can be done is to search for new things, new meaning to fill the part that it was suppose to be at. there can be no replacement..but one must look forward to new things possible, when the old is no longer possible. when one dwells on the past and what it could have been, then one forgets that when one thing ends, it makes time and space for the beginning of another.

of course it is not easy to hang on and move on! you life changed! how can it be easy?!? your dreams shattered and your hopes dashed..!! only your memories left. with no more new events to fill in. a part of your life dies..a future possible become naught. how can it be easy??

but to dwell on it. at something you know is lost. though natural somewhat and ineviatably tempting to continue dreaming about a past, a future that's not possible.

only grasping air with bare hands..

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