Wednesday, April 13, 2005

what else?

now idea what is happening to my life.

been pretty sedated. shoot, train, coach..nothing much. trying hard to acheive, but losing steam. guess will have to do some introspection about myself.

guess i am wishing for something more..more interesting? more out of ordinary? to kick me in the head and wake me up? wishing for something to lift me up and soar? not really sure..just feels as if some thing missing in life these days..though things are fine and improving..

so many things to do so little time. but it's ok since i am doing things and doing them alright. just doing what i can. just hope i can do better. i know i can, just something not right. hai..

Archery - Sport/activity where the laws of physics, logic and commonsense have little application.

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