Tuesday, April 05, 2005


don't know what i am doing right. or wrong.

old problems cope up again. new ones appear. why? stronger now. feel that form is alright. why can't i just shoot better. been at this score for years!!!

know that my attitude towards improving was not good. changed that. now i work hard. train hard. stronger, shoot more, more stable. but why am i not performing? can someone tell me?

what would i say to my student? i would fix the fucking problem. look for things to fix and fix it. given the amount of time i train and attention i pay to my shooting, it should be fixable. but why is it not? what's wrong?

feel like just give it up. i can coach well. i can make others shoot well. damn it!



the eclectic reviewer said...

you only lose when you give up and quit... tts wat u always tell us... its tough... its seems impossible... hang in there... i am not a coach, i cannot tell you how to fix it or what can you do to improve your scores...

what i can do n will do is to stand by you... and support you on this difficult and tedious journey to achieving your goal... the road isnt easy but know that i and many other people are behind you and will keep rooting for you...

i can offer you my camera n filming services to record your form so you can coach urself... =o) plus... u said it urself... when you change something scores n grouping may go down first before going up... keep going... dun give up...

monique gives ken a pat on the back and a hug for encouragement...

jia you!
add oil!

the eclectic reviewer said...

you only lose when you give up and quit... tts wat u always tell us... its tough... its seems impossible... hang in there... i am not a coach, i cannot tell you how to fix it or what can you do to improve your scores...

what i can do n will do is to stand by you... and support you on this difficult and tedious journey to achieving your goal... the road isnt easy but know that i and many other people are behind you and will keep rooting for you...

i can offer you my camera n filming services to record your form so you can coach urself... =o) plus... u said it urself... when you change something scores n grouping may go down first before going up... keep going... dun give up...

monique gives ken a pat on the back and a hug for encouragement...

jia you!
add oil!