Thursday, November 11, 2004

cast away

the worst thing about being lost, is missing the ones you love.

being sick, is sick. down and weak. unmotivated to do anything. even shooting seems sian. cannot do it properly. cannot execute properly. mentally pushing to do all i can. still..spirit is willing but the body is weak.

after another night of rest should be about 90% well..i hope. anyway will have to continue with training. next competition coming right up. and have not been doing any long distance at all. just shoot and s@@ how lar.

sOo..trapped. no idea what i can do. if i know, i would..or would i? hmm..well..that's a pointless question now, cause i don't think i can do anything. sOo..wait and s@@.

no mood for much things now. my mind is as messed up as my room. alot of things go in, then left there. never properly handle and taken care of. my lots of stuff i don't know what to do about and so are left there. and they will distract me from time to time. oh well..take time to settle them i guess.

another confused and confounded post. haha.. wish i may, wish i might, wish upon a star tonight..if my eyesight allows me to s@@ a star in singapore skies..hanging on. through everything..

ken is spinning around..lost his way.

'so never mind the darkness,
we still can find a way..
'cause nothin' lasts forever,
even cold november rain..'-Guns and Roses

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