Monday, December 12, 2005

more to go

this past weekend have been mostly great. mostly.

TP archers rocked them joints. except for the team event. we'll get them yet! fret not, my friends..hehe..=>

RJ archers did alright. except kim, who did great! they need to be more focused, or they'll always be just about like this.

kim. don't worry about losing to that 'cheat'..your time will come. stay the course and be brave.

personally, my best shoot in years. individual ranking bronze and team gold. first time in years to get a individual medal. but still the KO round to work on. and also most of the other archers are not here, else i might not be ranked sOo high. what i am realy glad is that i did my best..every end, every shot, my mind is in it.

let me do all i can and be brave. whatever the outcome, let no one say i did not do my best.

more to come..i'll do more and train to improve and be better. my friends, let us work, let us train.. ..


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