Saturday, December 17, 2005

limit break

been busy and thinking about what's next in life for me.

i have been given choices next year. one road will bring me closer to my dream and required darn hard work and alot of commitment. the other will let me go ahead in life more normally and help other acheive their dreams and will also let me live modern life easier.

one is to shoot competitively and try again, since i have done well to recover from my injury and retune my form.
the other is to continue being a TM and learn to do it better and handle my teams better and do my best for them to acheive.

the road not taken
two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
and sorry i could not travel both
and be one traveler, long i stood
and looked down one as far as i could
to where it bent in the undergrowth;

then took the other, as just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim,
because it was grassy and wanted wear;
though as for that the passing there
had worn them really about the same,

and both that morning equally lay
in leaves no step had trodden black.
oh, i kept the first for another day!
yet knowing how way leads on to way,
i doubted if i should ever come back.

i shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and i—
i took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.

-Robert Frost

still undecided how and what to do. will talk to people i trust to ask for opinion and decide after i done what i need to do to end this year's events.

suddenly was struck by the term limit break. i believe many knows it from FF7. where you get hit enough times and then you have a counter bar that fills up. once it fills up you can execute a devasting attack(usually). perhaps i think too much..but what i thought of was 'how does it work in real life?'

conjectured that, it's like a personal limit/tolerance. that physical attack might anger you enough to cause you to want to attack back regardless of the cost. emotionally and mentally there will also be such limits, where people might pass and become berserk, become permanently mad, be ragingly mad, be overcomed with grief or such. sOo..this limit break thing is taking this being attacked till go into rage as example to add another dimension to the game play.

and thinking that led me to think about why some people do stealing, murder and such normally undesirable actions. they probably reached their limit for somethings, maybe emotionally or mentally or even physically abused till their limit is broken, then part of them breaks. and they are changed somehow..for some the damage is permanent. these people are pushed beyond their limit till they do something regardless of the consequence of their actions.

that concept is very powerful. why? because it let you do what you want to do to your maximum effort, without distractions and worries. it is no doubt dangerous, but when you let yourself do something regardless of consequence, you can acheive great things. like you do something that society are tabooed against, like cloning? or you do something that normally people won't many scientist who researched weird stuff, philosophers who wondered about things beyond normal citizens, like heros who did what was right, with no regard for the consequence. they pushed on and lived their dream and did what they knew was right, knowing that they may be outcast forever. they did what they did and we are living the fruits now.

thinking about my dream and what it means to me. i cannot let go, but might take it slowly. might. i might just live it while i can and persue what my heart tells me to.

everyone have dreams. do you dare to live it?

1 comment:

the eclectic reviewer said...

hmm... am i in your the circle of trust? keke =P who else is in? huh...? huh...? huh...? haha i very kaypo hor... kekeke =P