Wednesday, May 02, 2012


this new job is so out of my comfort zone that sometimes, i can totally feel my insides squirming. my inner voice, usually calm and detached, now seems to be on the edge. even when i drive i get jittery.

hope i settle in soon and do some good work. then can explore more options.

it is toughest for the first 1-3 years, depends on who i listen to. do i have that much time?

well..the good thing about this is that, every night my bible reading becomes a rock and a calming salve. i cannot sleep without it. even though the passage i read might not be related in anyway, but it gives me confidence and hope for the future.

my heavenly Father, my Lord, our God. there is nothing i can do or say to express my thanks. take my life and mold it to Your purpose. that my work may glorify Your name. Amen.

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