Wednesday, April 16, 2008


for rant.

that's what this blog start out as and now it shall be again.

i love how the french wants to outlaw some stuff.;_ylt=AlEdFnpacw_av4Hf5oUjbH2s0NUE

so..tibet is slowly starting to fade from world view..slowly.
there are human-rights abuses almost everywhere. why did tibet suddenly become a hot topic? the exile-government. political hounds or chameleon.
IF the west are so concerned, why don't they start doing something about US and the self-admited torture of prisoners? what about the abuse in Saudi, that's been going on for so many years?
politics and money. nothing's new i guess. same old rot-gut world.

not much new in my life. coaching, trying to shoot. trying to save up to study. getting tired and feeling old. nothing new here too..

move along.. ..

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