Tuesday, August 29, 2006

a game of you

and loves dares you to change our way of
caring about ourselves.

many times in life we are focused on what we want. what problems we are facing and what can we do. what we want to have, to eat, to do.. it's mostly about ourselves. this is not wrong. it is good in many cases.

to achieve our dreams, to be who we want to be, to do what we want to make ourselves happy. it is very important to be focused and do what we desire.

but there are also alot of instances where importance must not be self-centered, else we fail. in a team game like soccer, everyone have their roles to play. if every player wants to score and be 'great' then the team will probably suck. in a family, if every member is only focused on their own wants and could not care about what the family members need and compromise, things will get ugly very soon. in love, where if the focus is only on what a person wants or think, then things will probably breakdown soon enough.

it's difficult for us selfish beings to think for others when we have desires to be sated. when we are not satisfied and happy yet, why should we care about others? because, in the end, it will bring about what you want. we should look ahead and think about situations where putting ourselves behind others is good for us.

if everyone play their part, the whole team, family will be better off. and ourselves, being part of it, benefits.

a game of you. graphic novel by Neil Gaiman.

Jesus said unto him, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
this is the first and great commandment.
and the second [is] like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.[Mat 22:37-39]

love does change how we care about ourselves.

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