Tuesday, March 28, 2006


knowldge is power. to certain extend, certainly.

knowledge of things can let you make decisions..right decisions. good decisions.
knowledge can give you upper hand in any number of situations.
knowledge can make you feel depressed, happy, peaceful and any variety of emotions.

knowledge is power. to know it is the surface. to change it is power. to be able to control what others know is power indeed.

personally, knowledge of yourself. better knowledge of how you think, feel, react and want to be, can allow you to have more control over yourself. this is, what i feel, most people lack. knowledge of themselves.

certainly, i think i don't know myself enough. i mean i am still trying to know and to change how i react to certain things..but yet there are alot of times when i cannot stop myself or even understand why i do or feel certain things. and those are things that i may regret later on.

sOo..perhaps if we know ourselves better and are able to stop ourselves from doing, saying things we know we'll regret, then we can be happier with ourselves and live life with less regrets.

but then as persons, we are always changing. it may be not as easy to know and understand even ourselve. but..what's to stop us from trying to better our lives?

we have met the enemy. they are us.

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