Monday, May 14, 2012


been trying out my rather new Mogul headphones against my trusty T-Jays 3. got some feedback from friends as well.

i think they are both nice in their own ways.

precision. the TJ3 is better in this aspect as being in-ear gives it a certain advantage over an over ear over and over again. bzzt..pffht.. the reproduction in the TJ is crispier/crisper and more balanced with slight loss of power in the low range. the M have heavier lows and weak highs, thus i find it less accurate. nonetheless, still enjoyable given certain tracks.

comfort. i prefer the M as the padding is thick and yet overall weight does not give me a headache. while the TJ is in ear, after long period of it being snugly stuck in my ear, i tend to have a slight headache.

sound stage. M wins hands down. the wide sound stage is very different from the in ear. it give 'live' tracks a very enjoyable feel while still being able to maintain good space from studio track. TJ is nice as well, but the sound being right at your ear drums robs some of the ambiance of the music. however, it is still very nice to be able to hear the precise notes that is slightly lost from the M. not everyone like the wide sound stage, just like not everyone enjoys live music and prefers studio recorded precise pieces.

i must say that i enjoy these two very different devices. they give different feel to the tracks while reproducing the music to an extend that i find no fault in enough to detract me from the enjoyment.

if i am on the MRT, i would prefer the TJ as the in ear blocks out  more environment noise, but in quieter situations i prefer the M as i can get lost in the tracks more easily.

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