Tuesday, May 29, 2012


been thinking about this for a long time and i have strong opinions about this issue.

many schools and institutions, even businesses have been saying or implying that everyone can be taught to be a leader somehow. our own army have been saying the same thing. every soldier a leader. leadership camps. talks that 'teaches' about leadership and courses to make you a netter leader. i disagree to a large extend.

leader. someone who leads. leads others. if everyone, every soldier, every school child is a 'leader'. what's there left to lead?

every organization have a structure, which serves a purpose and puts every member in a place to fulfill their role and ultimately the purpose of the organization. i can bet you my left kidney, that there is no organization where everyone is a leader. someone have to follow orders and do some menial task somewhere.

perhaps some of the problems that arises when doing group work stems from this mentality. everyone a leader, so everyone wants things done their way. even in a democracy or a republican system, there are leaders and followers, you either vote the people who speaks for your beliefs or you vote for what is the best idea and after the voting, the voted idea's originator becomes a 'manager' of the task and leads people to do them. everyone should follow the decision of the vote. should..

not everyone can be a leader, but having some qualities that a leader should possess is indeed an awesome thing.

what qualities should a leader possess? every book tells a different story. some of the common ones are, initiative, problem solving with available resources, communication skills, negotiation skills and perhaps creativity, which in itself is a problematic trait to pin down.

looking at the above sets of 'skills', we can see that it is not difficult to have those skill sets and not be a leader. we could be just good at being a person in whatever field we're in with those skills. why is that? perhaps there is no desire to lead, perhaps there is no one to lead, perhaps there is no need to lead?

in every situation there are leaders and followers. the tasks may change and the role may change, but the most important thing to lead is ourselves. to lead, one must have a purpose then the skills. so in our own lives, we must have purpose then devise ways to lead ourselves there. in this, everyone can be a leader.

Monday, May 14, 2012


been trying out my rather new Mogul headphones against my trusty T-Jays 3. got some feedback from friends as well.

i think they are both nice in their own ways.

precision. the TJ3 is better in this aspect as being in-ear gives it a certain advantage over an over ear over and over again. bzzt..pffht.. the reproduction in the TJ is crispier/crisper and more balanced with slight loss of power in the low range. the M have heavier lows and weak highs, thus i find it less accurate. nonetheless, still enjoyable given certain tracks.

comfort. i prefer the M as the padding is thick and yet overall weight does not give me a headache. while the TJ is in ear, after long period of it being snugly stuck in my ear, i tend to have a slight headache.

sound stage. M wins hands down. the wide sound stage is very different from the in ear. it give 'live' tracks a very enjoyable feel while still being able to maintain good space from studio track. TJ is nice as well, but the sound being right at your ear drums robs some of the ambiance of the music. however, it is still very nice to be able to hear the precise notes that is slightly lost from the M. not everyone like the wide sound stage, just like not everyone enjoys live music and prefers studio recorded precise pieces.

i must say that i enjoy these two very different devices. they give different feel to the tracks while reproducing the music to an extend that i find no fault in enough to detract me from the enjoyment.

if i am on the MRT, i would prefer the TJ as the in ear blocks out  more environment noise, but in quieter situations i prefer the M as i can get lost in the tracks more easily.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


many thoughts. no time to form them properly. was thinking of something deeper in the afternoon, lost it. will be back someday.

much to do. much done and more yet to be done.

been physically training more. if i am not running, i am doing push ups. want to increase my strength, power and stamina. also hope to shed some grams, then i can be nimble and agile. it helps with my sleep and energy levels through the day. also helps with my self confidence as well as archery. always had excuses, not to do them enough. now it seems i must find excuses to take a rest day. hope this carries on. it's good.

work wise, taking it slower than i liked, but the push is more confusing than i thought it would be. must figure it out more and formulate a plan. a work plan and schedule. i think i have some leads, but got to start reeling in them lines.

family doing fine. everyone have jobs now. and well, things are more stable emotionally as well. God's grace.

Monday, May 07, 2012

high wall

let's face it. i don't know exactly what you are going through and you don't know what i am going through.

i still bear hope and am doing what i think is the right thing. i could be wrong. given my track record of such things, i probably am. it's the only thing left at this point for me to do. so i am doing it. it could all be for nothing, but then, so be it. it's good for me anyway.

i hope you are fine. and whatever issues you have, we have, we can still be friends..somehow.

now, i know it's not in my hands. i can only try my best and leave the outcome to God.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


this new job is so out of my comfort zone that sometimes, i can totally feel my insides squirming. my inner voice, usually calm and detached, now seems to be on the edge. even when i drive i get jittery.

hope i settle in soon and do some good work. then can explore more options.

it is toughest for the first 1-3 years, depends on who i listen to. do i have that much time?

well..the good thing about this is that, every night my bible reading becomes a rock and a calming salve. i cannot sleep without it. even though the passage i read might not be related in anyway, but it gives me confidence and hope for the future.

my heavenly Father, my Lord, our God. there is nothing i can do or say to express my thanks. take my life and mold it to Your purpose. that my work may glorify Your name. Amen.