Monday, January 19, 2009

stepping back in time

had my first exam in about 10 years. interesting.

knew i could have done better, but i seem to be in a rush to finish it. that probably showed on the papers and arguments i put forth. bah. missed out some parts that i thought about and knew should have included.

oh well. next paper in a month or so. just pray that this one will be fine. i hope to get above B. i am not sure of what to expect as this is my first in this course and this century.

still too busy in life. cannot settle my things at home and relax.

hope some days will come and i can rest some. much to read and much to do.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

please watch.

please do not be blind.

Thursday, January 01, 2009


whatever you do..DO NOT get your back injured. even if it doesn't kill you or paralyze you, it still hurts like mad. and it impedes your life so much you'd wish you can sleep the whole month away..!!

life is..feeling weird. things are fine and going along. many things happened and still many to come, it just feels weird. i do not feel very motivated or satisfied. i do not like festivities..maybe that's why i feel depressed.

i really do not like crowds. crowds==a massing of stupid people for stupid events/things.

of course there are times that i am part of the said crowds.